
From: Tong-Uk Lee (tong@lns.mit.edu)
Date: Sat Sep 29 2001 - 12:19:29 EDT


        I found that Redhat 7.1 supports both gcc 2.96 and egcs 1.2.1.
By any chance, if you want to use egcs version g++, type
i386-glibc21-linux-g++ instead of g++. From my experience, so far
with STL and root, egcs seems much easier to compile our codes. As far
as I know, gnu community is trying to merge gcc and egcs,
and come up with gcc 3.0 in the future. It might be good idea
that we stick to egcs 1.2.1 till GNU community release stable
version gcc 3.0. Right now, gcc 2.96 has backward compatiblilty
problem and other problems. This is why Redhat's releasing their
software with both compliers. Lots of their own software are
not compilable with current gcc 2.96 version.


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