On Mon, 17 Dec 2001, Adrian T Sindile wrote:
> > This is a separate problem which originates in today's Adrian modification
> > of the Moller code.
> Well, I must disagree on that!
> I think the problem originated when Simon commented out stuff that I had
> submitted into CVS, without providing an alternative for people who use
> regular makefiles. Since I was the one to commit my changes first
> (and I explained my reasons at the time), I should not be held
> responsible for changes made after that:
If we need to lose time on this, let me repeat a sentence of my respective
e-mail: ``Note that now even Moller is called with KINE 10, not 20,
but if Adrian insists on his scheme, I give up.'' So definitely
I did not care about who was "first" or "second". It was also not my
purpose to force anybody to move to autoconfig scheme in general,
but in this particular case I found it extraordinary for a part
of the Moller generator to reside in blast/ and a part in the userGen/
directory, plus utilizing the KINE 20 switch, plus requiring a separate
rule in the Makefile, plus why should I compile it and link it into
blast if I don't plan to use it. In contrast, all others generators
are transparently placed in userGen/ only, produce libuserGen.so only,
use KINE 10 only, and are linked into blast only if --enabled.
These were my four reasons to shuffle the code around a bit.
I thought I would be simplifying things.
-- Simon Sirca MIT-LNS, Room 26-402 Tel: +1 617 258-5438 77 Massachusetts Avenue Fax: +1 617 452-5950 Cambridge, MA 02139-4307, USA URL: http://pierre.mit.edu/~sirca
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