updated Recoil Detector geometry files...

From: Aaron Joseph Maschinot (ajmasch@MIT.EDU)
Date: Tue Dec 18 2001 - 14:54:13 EST

Hello, all:

I just submitted to CVS an updated Recoil geometry file. Basically, I
took Adrian's existing rc_geom.f file from about two months ago and added
in appropriate volumes so as to guarantee that GEANT will "see" the
extremely thin detectors. Additionally, the step size of Si was changed.
As such, for those who wish to incorporate the Recoil detectors into their
analysis, you should update the two following files:



Hopefully, after this, the only changes that might need to be made to
the recoil detectors will be within the file "blast.geom" or else to the
variable BDSS within the rc_geom.f file.



P.S. Adrian's file and my file look quite different, but the code is
exactly the same (except for the new volumes I added). The reason the two
files look different is that I am
anal and changed his code around to a way that I was more familiar with.
Since the code is the same, I saw no need to change the comments in
the code back to
the original format (plus, that would just be time wasted changing
irrelevant comments).

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