Re: blastmc Wire Chamber thresholds

From: Timothy Smith (
Date: Mon Jan 14 2002 - 12:48:27 EST

Hello Sean,

        As you say, the monte carlo for the chambers fires on
any charged particle which passes through it. Even if you set
energy loss to zero the chambers will fire. This could be changed
in wc_hits.f - require that DE > threshold, but that is not the
way it presently works. Would wire chamber people like to adress


On Mon, 14 Jan 2002, Sean Stave wrote:

> Hello Blasters:
> This is a question for Tim about blastmc wire chamber thresholds. From
> looking through wc_hits, it appears that anything other than a gamma will
> trigger the chamber wires. However, where is the chamber threshold set?
> Is it just handled by the standard energy cutoff parts of GEANT or is
> there a separate setting? Thanks.
> -Sean Stave

 Timothy Paul Smith                               Research Scientist
 MIT Bates Lab                           
 21 Manning Rd.                                 tel:  (617) 253-9207
 Middleton, MA 01949                            fax:  (617) 253-9599

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