Hi blasters,
Recently, I start to receive more and more questions about DGen, it makes
me feel the compelling need to provide more organized documentation and
"custom services". As a first step, also to prepare for the theory
conference next week, I just did a walk through of the codes.
Comments are added, README in the directory is updated so hopefully it is
consistant with the actual codes. I also try to book
more information into root files, so make the analysis of the produced
data easier.
With people start to run dgen in (e,e'p), (e,e'n) channel, DGen is put to
more extensive test. Vitaliy and I just looked at the missing energy,
missing momentum spectra of the eletro-disintegration channel, and I think
we both agree, the results resembles the spectra in Zilu's thesis and
Igor's thesis. However, please keep in mind the codes are still under
construction and if you fell anything might be wrong please help us by
sending a messge to: zhangchi@mit.edu.
I am more than willing to answer any question about DGen and respond to
any possible bug reports.
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