To answer your question about energy loss, I forward here a
GEANT calculation which Adrian did using an e-p generator at
a beam energy of 850 MeV and including both the start counter
and extra plastic in front of the WCs.
The answer to Adrian's questions (below) are that the gaps
are the physical gaps between the paddles. You can also see the
effect of the changing normalangleof the paddle relative to
the scattering angle. The energy loss is that in the TOF paddle.
Adrian, can you look at this and answer the question: If the
last paddle in the most forward 4 is hit, what is the distribution
in proton angle for the recoil protons? By that I mean, can you
go back and look at the output file and make this cut?
There is a geometry file to allow anyone to translate proton
angle to paddle number. I looked at this some days ago and
concluded that the Bragg peak was in #13 (from 0), near the
edge between 12 and 13.
After all the hard work, we are really beginning to see
physics. If we can hold to the plan that Tancredi and I have
discussed and that he sent out, we should be ready to give the
trigger to Doug and crew early this week. Thanks for the hard
work by all.
-- John R. Calarco Dept. of Physics Univ. of New Hampshire Durham, NH 03824 phone: (603)862-2088 FAX: (603)862-2998 email: calarco@unh.edu---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 21:07:41 -0400 (EDT) From: Adrian T Sindile <asindile@cisunix.unh.edu> To: John Calarco <jrc@einstein.unh.edu> Subject: better plots
Hi, John! I expanded the plots you wanted. I do not understand the gaps in energy (versus both theta and phi). The drop in deposited energy with theta I interpreted as the actual energy loss in the thickness of the scintillator. Is that correct? Thanks!
------------------------------- Adrian Sindile Research Assistant Nuclear Physics Group University of New Hampshire phone: (603)862-1691 FAX: (603)862-2998 email: asindile@alberti.unh.edu http://einstein.unh.edu/~adrian/
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