[BLASTTALK] Blast Mailing lists

From: Tancredi Botto (tancredi@mitlns.mit.edu)
Date: Wed Aug 07 2002 - 16:56:11 EDT

Dear Collaborators,

        After last week's discussion I've created a number of new Blast-related
mailing lists. All Blast mailing lists are based on the subscribe/unsubscribe
mechanism (see http://blast.lns.mit.edu/BlastTalk).

Again, BlastTalk will remain the mailing list for general announcements
and if you are already subscribed no action is required there. Further
traffic will be directed as follows:

General Interest

BlastTalk (as before)
Blast_Shifts -> Shift summaries, shift related info (changes, schedule)
Blast_Anaware -> Online analysis and software issues

Subsystem Info

Blast_Abs -> Abs related info
Blast_Wch -> Wch related info
Blast_Tof -> Tof, Cerenkov, Neutron Bars related info
Blast_Coda -> Coda bugs, reports, info
Blast_Recoil -> Recoil Detector related info

A core group of people has already been automatically subscribed to Blast_Shifts
and Blast_Anaware. That is,

_ if you receive this email 3 times then you are subscribed to all 3 general
  interest mailing lists. Don't subscribe again.

_ If you receive this email only once, you are subscribed only to BlastTalk.

_ If you want to subscribe to any of the subsystem mailing list you
  and your people in your group have to do it by yourself.

Finally, traffic from all mailing lists will be posted on the web, in the same
archive as before (http://blast.lns.mit.edu/BlastTalk/archive/index.html).
It may be preferable at some point to also split the archives (but I can't
do that right now). However, for each message, the subject line will be
pre-pended with the list name so that sorting information is simplified.

To post a message to a list, send your email to "Blast_XXX@rocko.lns.mit.edu"
You have to subscribe to the pertinent mailing list first !!


To SUBSCRIBE to any list send an email to "imailsrv@rocko.lns.mit.edu" with the message

subscribe Blast_XXX Your_Full_Name


To UNSUBSCRIBE from any list send an email to "imailsrv@rocko.lns.mit.edu" with the message

unsubscribe Blast_XXX

where XXX = Shifts, Anaware, Abs, Wch, Tof, Coda, Recoil

Kind regards,

Tancredi Botto, phone: +1-617-253-9204 fax: +1-617-253-9599
research scientist MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av Middleton MA, 01949

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