Plan and update

From: Adrian T Sindile (
Date: Thu Sep 05 2002 - 20:00:35 EDT

Hi, TOF experts!
I just subscribed to this list, hope it works.

John told me today we are going to have to test for efficiency using a
setup similar to the one we used in the DTF: a sandwich composed from the
start counter and a small paddle on the outside of the test scintillator.

I started setting up everything and as of 8:00 PM the situation is the

- the start counter (which is physically on the left) is now hooked up to
the right TOF 15 (last one, I will use numbers starting from zero, it
seems it is common practice now); to do this, I unhooked it from a delay
unit (left sector), I hope this is alright since we are not concerned
about timing for now; the HV cables for the start counter are in the same
position and we do not care where we get voltage from;

- I placed 5 small paddles on the left sector TOFs: on TOF # 0, 1, 2 and #
14 and 15; I hooked up the small paddles using cables from the bottom PMTs
of detectors # 4, 5, 6 and # 12 and 13 respectively (the reason I am
writing this email is basically to have the above numbers someplace where
all of us can find them);

There might be problems with the setup, some PMTs of the small paddles had
more than 2 connectors and we might need to switch some cables.
The CCR guys are searching the South Hall righ now. When they are done I
will start putting voltages on the paddles and look at signals, then
create a proper trigger...
If everything is OK, I will start taking runs to get statistics for the
efficiency tests.


Adrian Sindile
Research Assistant
Nuclear Physics Group
University of New Hampshire
phone: (603)862-1691
FAX: (603)862-2998

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