Re: Regard to the memory leak in BlastLib2

From: Adam DeGrush (
Date: Wed Sep 18 2002 - 11:31:17 EDT

Hello All,

There is a way that ROOT facilitates keeping track of objects created on the
heap using "new" . One can create a TList container and then add every object
to the container as its created. So for example:

//Create a TList
TList *fTrashCan = new TList;

//An ordinary class
myClass *A = new myClass;
anotherClass *B = new anotherClass;
//Add them to the container

//When you are done with the object, ROOT will free the memory taken by A and B
in one fatal swoop

//Then free up memory by fTrashCan
delete fTrashCan;

This may help someone


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