From: John Calarco (jrc@einstein.unh.edu)
Date: Sun Oct 20 2002 - 19:32:29 EDT

Last week I put out a call for shift volunteers. As of right now,
tonights CCR shift 0000-0800 is being cancelled due to lack of
any physics shift personnel. Also as of right now, no 0000-0800
shifts are covered for the entire week. And only 2 of the 6
weekend shifts next weekend are covered.

It has been suggested by some members of Bates management, that
I simply assign shifts. I have resisted doing that until now.
However, if I cannot fill the shifts with volunteers by tomorrow,
I will be forced to assign people to shifts. BLAST is not going
to commission itself. We need YOU!!

John R. Calarco
Dept. of Physics
Univ. of New Hampshire
Durham, NH 03824
phone: (603)862-2088
FAX:   (603)862-2998
email: calarco@unh.edu

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