[BLAST_SHIFTS] run plan 10-25 to 10-26

From: Tancredi Botto (tancredi@mitlns.mit.edu)
Date: Fri Oct 25 2002 - 15:37:46 EDT

Tonight we should repeat the exercise of yesterday, with the slits in. A
number of improvements have been made during the day (see previous email).
The focus remains L0-L3 TOF's

We should consult tomorrow about statistics and before moving the paddles
over to the next 4 scintillators. At any rate, I'll leave some instructions
on that in the blast book in the CB.

The evening shift should take quick flasher runs to check each individual
tube in LC0 and eventually equalize them. That is 6 runs, and can be done
in 1-2 hrs, when the hall is closing and you are waiting for beam.
Plot_adc_cutontdc.C will work just fine. "eyeballing" a mean is fine:
refinements will be done later. If we understand the TOF's we can
always do the cerenkovs with ep elastic at any later stage. If the light
is not attenuated enough insert another attenuator.

I very much prefer to not change the set up as each channel on the PMT
amplifier had to be adjusted against a DC offset. You might want to
check the offsets as well. Only LC0 is important right now but if you are
quick, with an additional 2 runs you have all tubes of RC1 and LC1 as

The second half of the shift (at least 4 hrs) and the full night shift
should take data for the TOFs. We need both 1300 V and 1500 V at 31.3 mV
threshold. You have to make sure we are at the right voltage. We are
shooting for about 2500 evts per TOF.

The trigger should still be without the common strobe (it's set up like
that and changing it is an expert operation that requires me or karen).
I'll leave a trigger file ready. In principle I am on shift tomorrow
afternoon but can come earlier in the morning.

-- tancredi

Tancredi Botto, phone: +1-617-253-9204 mobile: +1-978-490-4124
research scientist MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av Middleton MA, 01949

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