[BLAST_ANAWARE] agenda next analysis and software meeting 10/30

From: Tancredi Botto (tancredi@mitlns.mit.edu)
Date: Mon Oct 28 2002 - 09:23:15 EST

A reminder that the regular weekly analysis and software meeting will
take place again on wednsday at 14.00 in the Bates library. If there
are problems with this schedule please let me know. If we have beam, we
may move the meeting to the counting bay.

After receiving some of your suggestions here is a proposed agenda:

_ TOF efficiency analysis.

_ subtracting pedestals and tdc offsets: note this work is needed to
  analyze more easily eep scattering (else we have some 64+32
  different cuts instead of just two, across the whole detector).

_ backing up and saving good scripts. What we already have is quite a bit
  but some more specialized work may be needed. analyzing beam asymmetry
  Usage of scripts during online

_ scalers analysis, data transfer, ntuple generation

_ A brief mention about a proposed re-organization of the CVS directory

_ any other issue you want to bring to the meeting

At this or next week meeting we may also hear some progress from the Wch.

Congratulations for the rather succesfull long weekend !

-- tancredi
Tancredi Botto, phone: +1-617-253-9204 mobile: +1-978-490-4124
research scientist MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av Middleton MA, 01949

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