[BLAST_ANAWARE] show_adc_tof.C in phase2 - Analysis of field on/off data

From: Vitaliy Ziskin (vziskin@lns.mit.edu)
Date: Mon Nov 04 2002 - 20:39:34 EST

I have made two root macros to plot adc specra for tofs and cerenkovs in
commis/phase2. These are show_adc_tof.C (cc) and use the init.C utility to
super-impose and normalize data sets.
These macros can be part of the general utility programs in phase2 and are easy to

I ran over a collection of field on/off cosmic runs, e.g.

root -l show_adc_tof.C 2249 -d 2252 -norm (compares datasets 2249 and 2252,
see init.C)

In the attachments I compare normalized ADC spectra.

In the first I show the comparison done by TB back in august (tof's and

In the 2nd attachment the situation on 10/19/02 for the tof's. One can see that
with field on there
is a big spike in the ADC spectrum: this looks like a pedestal but the plot is cut
on tdc (!) Clearly
something wrong there (note we started gain matching right on 10/19) but we do not
know what.

In the 3rd attachment I show the TOF ADC spectra of last friday, after the
additional mu-metal has been added. The TOF spectra are ok now, but clearly the CC
are off (4th attachment, again a normalized ADC spectrum). We do not know why this
would happen, it may be that the iron shield for the cerenkov pmt's is not working


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