[BLAST_ANAWARE] Analysis with the eep ntuple. How to get a clean proton ?

From: Tancredi Botto (tancredi@mitlns.mit.edu)
Date: Thu Nov 07 2002 - 13:37:04 EST

Here is an example root session for analyzing data with the eep
ntuple, with my comments. This is the fruit of the labour of many of
you. So I recollected this knowloedge hoping to making more accessible
to people not so familiar with the analysis (yet, they are frustrated
because they are expected to do analysis).

This sample session produces the attached result were, even for a "bad"
run I get a clean proton peak. The four plots (from top left to bot right)
are as follows. Everything can be typed at the root prompt. You can
type root from anydirectory. ** are my comments

TFile * run = new TFile("/net/data/1/Analysis/commis/eep-2637.root")
** thats the name and location of the nutple

TCanvas *c5 = new TCanvas("c5","stuff", 30, 30 , 800, 600);


** plots the ( electron time(tof=R3) - proton time(tof=L13) ). This is the
** proton time of flight. With this definition the proton peak is on the
** left, corresponding to ca 300 later arrival from a "fast-fast"
** coincidence peak, where both L13 and R3 were hit by 2 particles close
** in time.


** In the vertical axis I plot "coplanarity", i.e. the sum of TDC
** differences in the two tofs. This should be zero (in real time). You
** can see that the proton peak corrsponds to those vents narrowly
** correlated in coplanarity


** The vertical axis is the rear tof (L13) adc sum. You can see where
** the protons are...


** Back to the first plot. There is only a cut on the rear tof adc. The
** proton peak is clean


The eep ntuple can be generated for every run with

root -l ntuple.C ### where ### is the run number

It can be loaded in a root session as in the example above. The eep
ntuple performs a strict data reduction requiring that 1 and only 1
particle hit each sector. By "hit", *in each sector*, we mean that
only one tof scintillator had top/bot signals, there were 0 or 1 cerenkovs
firing, there were 0 or 1 neutron bars firing. There is no Wch information.

The ntuple provides several fields

* for the TOFS

ntr = the number of the R-sector tof hit (0-15),
atr = for that tof, the sum of top/bot adc's
ttr = for that tof, the sum of top/bot tdc's
ptr = for that tof, the difference of top - bot tdc's. This is positive
                    for events above the machine plane

and similarly for the left sector (ntl, atl, ttl, ptl)

* for the Cerenkovs

ncr = is the number of the C hit on the Right sector. 0-3, is =-1 is no
      Cerenkov was hit

acr, tcr are the (right sector) cerenkov adc and tdc (there is only 1 adc,
                                                           1 tdc)

likewise, ncl, acl, tcl in the left sector

* for the neutron bars

nnl is the bar hit in the left sector
tnl is the tdc sum (lef/tright) of that bar
anl is the adc sum (lef/tright) of that bar
pnl is the tdc difference (left - right) of that bar (if I am right).
    Positive means downstream

Tancredi Botto,  		phone: +1-617-253-9204  mobile: +1-978-490-4124
research scientist		MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av    Middleton MA, 01949

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