[BLAST_SHIFTS] C-shift summary 11/18/02

From: Bill Franklin (wafrankl@mit.edu)
Date: Mon Nov 18 2002 - 23:49:52 EST

The plan for this shift had been to spend a couple of hours to check out
the tune for the Compton polarimeter, then once a good tune for the
polarimeter was established, carry out a study of BLAST rates. However,
there were problems getting beam into the Ring and I was not able to start
taking data until 21:00. By this time, Jan had over 90 mA stored with the
flipper in and BLAST field off. It was established that this tune gave
very good signal-to-background for the polarimeter and polarization also
appears to be good. Chi looked at scintillator rates for BLAST and
concluded that they were very high compared to previous data with field
off. Because the midnight shift was devoted to ABS studies with the BLAST
field off, we determined that there was insufficient time to turn the
BLAST field on and retune. This will need to be done tomorrow evening.

Wilbur A. Franklin			*  Phone: 617-253-9518
Bates Linear Accelerator Center		*  FAX:	  617-253-9599
P.O. Box 846				*  Email: wafrankl@mit.edu
Middleton, MA 01949			*

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