[BLAST_ANAWARE] Coplanarity from a Surface Plot?!?

From: Peter Karpius (karpiusp@einstein.unh.edu)
Date: Sun Nov 24 2002 - 22:02:46 EST

I have been slightly distracting myself with this but it may prove useful.
Has anyone tried the following?

I wrote a macro that:
1) Fills a 3D surface plot of L vs R position
2) Cuts the 3D plot on the Z-axis (# of events ->coplanar?)
3) Projects the cut 3D plot into two 1D histograms, one for each axis.
4) plots 2D histograms of cut and uncut position.

It seems to extract coplanar events but I am not sure how much I am
missing. I set the Z axis cutoff at 25% of max based on the datasets.
In this case Runs 2765-2769 & 2757-2763.

I put a gif on my website (along with another tdc offset drift study I am
doing). Please check it out and tell me what you think? Here is the
direct link (just scroll to the bottom once you get there):


Please tell me if this can be of any use. I appreciate all
comments. Thanks!!


PS I will get right on the self timing peak stuff next (sorry for the

Pete Karpius
Graduate Research Assistant
Nuclear Physics Group
University of New Hampshire
phone: (603)862-1220
FAX: (603)862-2998
email: karpiusp@einstein.unh.edu

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