I want to merge the changes into v2_8 which is at the tip of the
construction branch. However, I am not sure what other changes have been
made apart from v2_5_fixes.
I remember Tancredi said some changes are added into v2_3, is that right?
Please let me know any changes you made on branches (on v2_3, v2_4, v2_5,
v2_6, v2_7), I will try to merge them into the tip (v2_8).
By the way, I checked in a snap shot of phase2, tagged as v2_5_fixes. This
way, if we run command: cvs up -frv2_5_fixes in both BlastLib2 and
commis/phase2, the libraries and macros will be synchronized to this given
On Sat, 7 Dec 2002, Chris Crawford wrote:
> hi everyone,
> i updated the working version of blast from libBlast.so.2.5 to
> libBlast.so.2.5.1 (on the cvs branch v2_5_fixes). it incorporates
> Tylan's codaread classs which decodes compton events. (it is not
> directly on on the v2 branch, since i'm not sure the latest versions
> work with ntuple.C)
> --chris
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