We took data (including wire chambers) using the ABS with the holding
field at 45deg, however, the target was unpolarized. The scattering rates
can be used as an estimate of the target thickness by comparing to the
rates when using the unpolarized gas flow system. When using the ABS, the
H2 flow rate was 70sccm, and LIGIT was typically 6 to 7 x10^-8Torr.
We had over 4 hours of data taking using the ABS (run #'s 3140-3147). The
first run was with the waveplate out, and the following runs had
alternating beam helicity (run 3146 was garbage, so 3147 was without the
At the change of shift, the target was changed to the unpolarized gas
feed system, flowing at 0.3sccm.
Ernie will make an access at 9am for the ABS.
AM and BC.
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