[BLAST_ANAWARE] compiling blast software on redhat 8.0

From: Chris Crawford (chris2@lns.mit.edu)
Date: Fri Dec 27 2002 - 16:57:30 EST

hi everyone,
  good news--the blast libraries (blastmc & BlastLib2) can be compiled
on redhat 8.0 now. note that you must install the older gcc-2.96, and
use that instead of the standard gcc-3.2. attached is a sketch of the
steps needed to get it running. hopefully this will be updated to the
software webpage soon.
p.s. alaine, i used the procedure on blast@asublast1:blast2, so you can
take a look at it.

    redhat disk2 as root:
      rpm -i --force /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS/compat-{gcc,lib}*
    on blast05:
      tar zcf cern.tgz -C /usr/local/cern
    tar zxf cern.tgz
    download root: "Intel x86 Linux for Redhat 7.2 and gcc 2.96, version
    tar zxf root_v3.04.02.Linux.RH7.2.gcc296.tar.gz
    source .setup #with content similar to:
      setenv CERNLIB /cern/cernlib/2002/lib
      setenv ROOTSYS $HOME/root/pro
      setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH .:${ROOTSYS}/lib
      setenv PATH .:${ROOTSYS}/bin:/cern/cernlib/2002/bin:${PATH}
      setenv CVS_RSH ssh
      setenv BLAST_PARAM $HOME/blast2/Blast_Params
    cvs -duser@blast05.lns.mit.edu:/home/blast/cvsroot co -d blast .
    cd blast
    cvs up -rv2 blastmc Blast_Params
    cvs up -rv2_5 BlastLib2
    configure CC=gcc296 CXX=g++296 --enable-debug #debug optional
    make all install
    cd run
    blast -f fort.99
      trig 100

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