[BLAST_ANAWARE] Analysis Meeting Agenda for 1/9/03

From: Tancredi Botto (tancredi@mitlns.mit.edu)
Date: Mon Jan 06 2003 - 11:41:29 EST

to avoid replication of what has already been presented, the next
meeting will be a short one. We should be done by noon. Here's the
proposed agenda

9:00 Wch (aron, adam, or tong)
9:20 TDC offsets (PK)
9:40 Asymmetry results (CC)

10:00 Break

10:20 Neutron Walls, ee'n analsis (VZ)
10:40 Cerenkov status (brief summary) (TB)
11:00 discussion of software projects, integration


Tancredi Botto,  		phone: +1-617-253-9204  mobile: +1-978-490-4124
research scientist		MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av    Middleton MA, 01949

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