Re: [BLAST_ANAWARE] minutes meeting 03/05/03 (fwd)

From: Tancredi Botto (
Date: Wed Mar 05 2003 - 19:51:18 EST

Chi (or everybody else)
this is a great way of participating to meetings if you can't attend
in person. If you have time you should send the email beforehand and if
possible give a phone number where you can be reached for conferencing
for questions. Most of us are connected during the meeting.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2003 18:06:07 -0500 (EST)
From: zhangchi <>
Reply-To: Chi Zhang <>
To: Douglas Hasell <>
Cc: Tancredi Botto <>, Chris Crawford <>,
     Tim Smith <>, Tong-Uk Lee <>,
     Bill Turchinetz <>
Subject: Re: [BLAST_ANAWARE] minutes meeting 03/05/03


I just want to report that I started working on a fakestub function in
TBLWc1SegmentContainer. I want to make fake stubs crossing beam line and
expand phi angles determined from existing segments. I hope by
intercepting fake stubs with stubs that are not included in any segments
due to lack of a second stub in the other superlayer, I can make segments
from those stand-alone stubs thereby link tracks which are not linkable
before because there were less than three segments.

I hope it can improve linking efficiency and I also want to take it as a
chance to deepen my understanding on Tong's codes.

I hope it does not overlap with any one else's plan otherwise please let
me know.

Also, I want to ask for permission to check in a blast.sc_cal to
Blast_Param in CVS. it is a copy of Pete's file in January. I used it to
test my PID programs on run 3070, and the program can identify protons and
electrons in many cases. The current calibration file contains only a
bunch of dummy numbers.


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