[BLAST_SHIFTS] 2003 running -- New DAQ directory etc

From: Karen Dow (kdow@mit.edu)
Date: Fri Apr 11 2003 - 15:13:22 EDT

        For the 2003 running, we will run CODA from
/home/blast/blast/pro2003/coda on dblast07. As during commissioning,
typing setup in that directory will start all the processes CODA needs.
I believe Tancredi set up a ~/pro2003/trigger directory. Until further
notice (soon), we still run visual_scal and hvDaemon from the
appropriate subdirectories of ~/commis.

        The CODA session name is now pro2003. DO NOT TRY TO USE commis!!! The
readout controllers boot assuming the session is pro2003.

        The usual configuration name is physrun. DO NOT TRY TO USE
commis_ts!!! physrun sets reasonable readout thresholds in the ADCs, so
we only read out hit channels. **** The readout thresholds are set for
1000; we still need to put in measured pedestals + 5*sigma or so.
Threshold files are in
dblast07:/usr/local/blast/daq/configure/ADCn_fm_sparsify.thr, where n is
the slot number and m=2 or 3 (left or right crate). *****

        There are two other configurations of interest. pedrun sets all the
ADC readout thresholds to 0, so we read out all ADC channels. We should
use pedrun once every few shifts (or less often) to check for pedestal
shifts in the ADCs.

        The other new configuration is flashrun. If you want to take flasher
data and have the flasher determine the TDC start time, rather than the
OR of the TOF meantimes (say, to check TOF timing shifts), use this
configuration. It disables the Common Strobe in the Trigger Supervisor.

        The data now go to /scratch/dblast07/blast/data/pro2003/pro2003-%d.dat,
where %d is the run number. Run number started at 1.

                                        Karen Dow

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