[BLAST_TOF] new database file

From: Octavian F Filoti (ofiloti@cisunix.unh.edu)
Date: Fri May 02 2003 - 15:08:57 EDT

Hi there,

In the morning there were some missing CC's from Scalers and when I went
to the d-tunnel I saw three out of four crates tripping (no. 0, 2 and 3).
Trip in Crate# 0, slot 7 was due to the bad
pro2003_NC_CC_TOF_1300_10percent.sql file, since it used the bad Channel:
0.7.3 inside the corresponding module (the modules from Slot# 7 and 8 has
been moved to 8 and 9).
Trip in wc Crate# 2 has been fixed after a reset.
But in Crate# 3 (left sector trigger) we have discovered two bad Slots: 7
and 8. I have moved the corresponding modules to Slot# 9 and 11 and worked
fine. Thus I had to update the database file. While fixing that I also
discovered (after n... wornings) CC-R-B-12 (a 'new' replaced tube) set at
-2800V. The MAXIMUM ALLOWED HV is -2700V and we have agreed not to go over
-2650V !!! That tube needs to be replaced AGAIN! I also suspect some
damaged tubes on middle size boxes, but I have to look into that when the
SH is opened.
All sql files from pro2003/hv directory have been moved to pro2003/hv/old
directory (actually /commis/ instead /pro2003/). I left only one which has
got all the changes I have made thus far:


The database has been updated also.
Everything is working now, except they are still tunning the beam and we
don't take data yet.

Octavian F Filoti
Nuclear Physics Group
Univ. of New Hampshire
9 Library Way
Durham, NH 03824
phone: (603)862-1691
FAX: (603)862-2998
email: ofiloti@unh.edu

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