[BLAST_SHIFTS] evening shift summary May 8, 2003

From: Peter Karpius (karpiusp@einstein.unh.edu)
Date: Thu May 08 2003 - 00:30:57 EDT

BLAST magnet work commenced for the first half of the shift and it was
found that the BLAST PS tripped (but not because of thermal reasons
(instead DCCT) - so we are to operate with no BLAST field tonight.

During beam tuning we lost the BQMs - so I called CCR and we agreed that
after a few more adjustments I could restart the HV. Doing this we saw
UN-normalized rates of 200, 550, 2, 0 on the BQMs (WITH THE SLITS OUT!).
The epics BQM display showed zeroes all around and thus was of no use to
CCR at this point.
To verify they were working CCR injected and sure enough they all lit up with rates increasing
by a factor of 100 (and we saw them on the epics display during

To opimize the slits, I monitored the scalers while CCR watched the
lifetime. We achieved normalized rates of 13, 24, 0, 0 at 55mA
But still nothing on the epics display during beam storage. Adam and Nik
are in now to address this and then proceed with zero field data taking
with unpol gas at 0.035 sccm (and 0.1 sccm per telecom with DH).

The procedure used to set the BQM voltage was:


BQMHV hv off

BQMHV setup

BQMHV oper

The slit settings we had for the above rates:

        L = -9, R = 5.5, T = 3, B = -9

At some point this morning, the HV GUI may receive priority.


Pete Karpius
Graduate Research Assistant
Nuclear Physics Group
University of New Hampshire
phone: (603)862-1220
FAX: (603)862-2998
email: karpiusp@einstein.unh.edu

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