Doug and Baris on shift.
Everything running very smoothly.
Machine injects 105 mA with lifetimes 15-20 minutes. No problems.
CODA hung once but reset easily and otherwise running.
Chris Vidal came in around noon and checked the amount of hydrogen and
deuterium in the tanks. There is enough hydrogen for the weekend but the
deuterium is low. However, since we are not running deuterium this is not
an issue.
Running with Adam's HV GUI. Around 13:00 Adam changed it to be fully
automated with the injection. So now the shifts are quite boring. Some
brief instructions for using the HV GUI are in the log book pages 131-133.
Basically the normal sequence is: DAQ inhibited, HV to STBY, slits move
out, beam is dumped, beam is re-injected, slits move in, HV goes to OPER,
DAQ is permitted. Operators don't have to do anything except watch that it
all goes according to plan.
Wire chambers occasionally trip (happened 3 times all shift). When this
happens (assuming it is during a OPER phase) just click on OPER in the HV
GUI window to put everything back on.
CODA runs still have to be started and stopped by hand. You have the
option of ending and starting a new run in the approximately 3 minutes when
there is a new injection or having runs over multiple fills. Or you can
start and stop runs at any time.
ABS is running and we are flipping between spin states 1 and 3 every 20
seconds. Cell temperature is a bit high 125 but otherwise no problems.
CCR flips the quarter wave plate before each fill.
Analysis of the runs taken so far show no obvious asymmetry. See attached.
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