_ v3 now being tested at basic level ("hand" check of every new geom
_ implementation will take 1/2 more weeks (cc2 and chi heavily involved)
_ cc2 shows new mag field class, with field in wch coordinates. Uses spherichal
harmonics to interpolate field. Field is fit from the measured values in a
cube centered around the desired point. Code is ready but not used yet. Will
qualify results with a chi2
_ See last week "feature" plan for v3. seems on track. Wang/Chi will check
in new FF for v2.
_ no news on wch calibrations (Wang/Doug)
- has anybody done some analysis ?
Please contact me if you want to do analysis and or have available
manpower. Here's a list of topics
_ asymmetry: false asymmetries, fixed spin state runs
_ neutrons/d2 data
_ CC eff
_ tof offsets need to be checked. Are they really off?
_ cross sections (also study change of target density)
_ empty target data and background distribution
_ missing mass and pions
_ online wch wire efficiency
_ true t.o.f., timing and pathlenght corrections to tof cut
_ check of wch calibration
Other Software
_ In addition there is a number of software tasks and we are always in
need to distribute expertise. Again please contact me.
_ crunch and filter commands
_ lrn.C to compiled program (currently editing lrn.C can
crash crunch jobs in progress)
_ read scalers from true scaler map
_ new "control" module in cvs
_ new features onlinegui (see prev email, add online asymmetry
- lrn.C/DST: some changes need to implemented in lrn (remove duplicate
nwl/nwr fields, add eventclass (trigger type) add coda time stamps
and add spin state charge info.
Discussion about DST: unclear what is really the way to go. Likely to
keep lrn and dst separate for a while. Lrn may migrate to branches.
Note data of this year is rather cleaner than our benchmark 2002 data
Concern we may have a large backlog by the time we start w/ dst's.
- elogbook: sam almost done with automatic runsheet entries (last entries
are # events/ start-stop time, name of coda configuration).
Next: queries to db (to retrieve good runs, select runlists) and logging
into elog.
_ Soon able to switch to full elog. Will require everybody to do it
consistently of course.
Tancredi Botto, phone: +1-617-253-9204 mobile: +1-978-490-4124
research scientist MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av Middleton MA, 01949
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