Sorry, I have been distracted recently but I believe it should be possible
to test the ion polarimeter in the BLAST LeCroy main frames without
modifying the HV GUI or stealing channels from another detector.
Eventually using the HV GUI, if appropriate, wil be the right thing to do
but for the short term we can use FTP as we did for WCHV and BQMHV.
I think Adam or I could easily create an FTP script similar to
BQMHV that would have the right functionality. Occasionally it will
interfere with the HVGUI maybe but I was able to monitor wire chamber HV
while the HV GUI was running and it didn't crash things.
Let me know if you want me to create the script. Just tell me how
many channels are needed, what they are called or referred to as, and which
slots and crate they are in.
--On Tuesday, June 3, 2003 11:18 AM -0400 Adam DeGrush <degrush@MIT.EDU>
> Hi,
> Talking to Townsend it was decided to first test one high voltage for an
> Ion polarimeter using the hv mainframe to see if it will work. He also
> suggested using an already allocated channel to do this and it was agreed
> to use the neutron detector. I will pick one randomly unless somebody
> directs me otherwise.
> Cheers,
> Adam
> Townsend Zwart wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I propose we take the following actions w.r.t ION polarimeter
>> devices.
>> 1) EMCO supplies should be replaced. These devices are
>> inadequate. Let's try BLAST HV supplies which have current
>> readback. Dan is coordinating this with Karen and Tancredi. We do not
>> need to move them all at once.
>> 2) Results of tests show that the sagging voltage on upstream
>> spherical deflector is e-beam related and independent of supply
>> voltage and target thickness. We should see how this device performs
>> with a better supply. Either EG&G or BLAST HV.
>> 3) Failing ION polarimeter should be run at 30 kV for now. There
>> is no need to run this device at 60 kV until we want scattering
>> asymmetry. We are constructing a printed circuit board floating ammeter
>> which will have better HV standoff properties. This should be available
>> in ~two weeks.
>> TZ
>> Yuan Xiao wrote:
>> >
>> > For 5/30 C shift:
>> >
>> > Around 9:30pm, got the beam to measure the RF effect of the
>> > storage ring to the lenses. No obvious effect was observed
>> > -- the signal picked up by the HV cable from lenses was only
>> > 1dbm bigger than the noise picked up at D tunnel.
>> >
>> > Current from each lenses was measured again. Several nA
>> > was got from the split lenses before and after Wien Filter (WF)
>> > and from WF plates. Tens of uA was seen from the outer shell
>> > of the spherical deflector (SD) and the plit lens before it; no
>> > current was seen from the inner shell of SD.
>> >
>> > Chi, Yuan, Genya,
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