Re: [BLAST_ANAWARE] Monte Carlo and Asymmetry

From: Adrian T Sindile (
Date: Fri Jun 13 2003 - 20:24:37 EDT

Hi, Chris!
I think you already answered this question, but just to make sure: when I
run your epel generator with the following FFREAD cards (four different

kine 10 0.85 85. 25. 25. -25. 0.7 0.55 45. 0
kine 10 0.85 85. 25. 25. -25. -0.7 0.55 45. 0
kine 10 0.85 85. 25. 25. -25. 0.7 -0.55 45. 0
kine 10 0.85 85. 25. 25. -25. -0.7 -0.55 45. 0

am I flipping beam helicity and target spin correctly?
I mean, in the case of the target, +/- 0.55 means a polarization of 55%,
in the direction of the holding field and in opposite direction respectively,
am I right?

This, plus an answer form Chi regarding the POL(3) array used in
WRITECODAVERTEX() will ensure we can use the same reconstruction classes
to see the helicity and target spin orientation in the Monte Carlo CODA
stream (with no changes required to the recon classes).



Adrian Sindile
Research Assistant
Nuclear Physics Group
University of New Hampshire
phone: (603)862-1691
FAX: (603)862-2998

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