[BLAST_SHIFTS] checking the rate and target thickness online

From: Tancredi Botto (tancredi@mitlns.mit.edu)
Date: Thu Jun 19 2003 - 18:32:36 EDT

Unfortunately last week we have been running an "empty" target without
raising any flags. This shows that crunching the data per se is of course
not enough. Also, the task of the onlineGui is *not* to compare rates with
previous shifts. But that's beyond the point: I just wanted to make this
easier and if possible bullet proof. From now on just type the following
command from any window on any blast machine

.rate ###

where ### is the number of the last ### runs to be compared (default is
10). This will pop up a plot of the normalized elastic yield as a
function of run number. It will work as long as you have crunched the
charge for those files (of course!) which you can easily check with 'ls -l
$ANALDIR/charge-*.chg' from the spuds. You "have" to do this while on
shift. If not you, who else?

e.g., I attached the result of ".rate 140" which shows you the normalized
yield for the last 140 runs. It'd have been clear to see that after we
switched to unpol (runs 800 to 970) we lost all of our rate relative to
abs runs (runs <800 > 970).

If you need to change the vertical scale, it is set in the file ~/.rate.plot.

Note that with the next round of shifts we are ramping up the Elog and
will start doing all the crunching automatically. But you still have to
look at the data.

-- t

P.S. The raw elastic yield is defined by cuts on the tof tdcs. It is
normalized to the beamgated charge. For my convenience this was done with
the detrecon tdc's but it will soon change to raw tdc. These cuts are good
for h2. When d2 comes will do something similar for d2 elastic. Be aware
that the TDC cuts and so your results do change with the blast magnetic

Tancredi Botto, phone: +1-617-253-9204 mobile: +1-978-490-4124
research scientist MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av Middleton MA, 01949

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