Hi Chi,
The current neutron wall (only the right side) is running and the
geometry is set so that 70 degrees is roughly in the middle of the wall.
However, this is a temporary position but could be put into the MC if
someone gets the coordinates from Kelsey and then perhaps Aaron can put
them into the MC.
The final neutron and LADS geometry is also now know and can also
be obtained from the CAD system and put into the MC.
--On Tuesday, June 24, 2003 10:29 AM -0400 zhangchi
<zhangchi@general.lns.mit.edu> wrote:
> Hi, Aaron and all the neutron fans.
> I send this email realizing that the neutron counter position is
> different from listed in blast.geom.
> given correct geometry, reconstruction is able to calculate the neutron
> counter hit position in blast coordinate system and link it with the
> "average" vertex of wire chamber track(s) to make a track for neutron,
> resolving the scattering angle and velocity. However, this is impossible
> before the proper geometry is set up through blast.geom. And without
> that, it would be hard pressed anyway to go any further from tdc/adc's.
> Just a reminder.
> Chi
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