[BLAST_ANAWARE] missing momentum macro

From: Aaron Joseph Maschinot (ajmasch@MIT.EDU)
Date: Wed Jul 09 2003 - 19:18:55 EDT

i have put a new macro called show_missing_momentum.C inside of
pro2003/analysis/macros. it will make pretty pictures of the
lab-frame missing energy, lab-frame missing momenta, and missing mass for
a set of runs. additionally, it will also produce the same pictures
using only quasielastic kinematics.

in the spirit of the new string.C file (which is still called
strings_new.C), the missing momentum macro can be modified to your
particular interest by adjusting the variables in the first 20 or so
lines of code. the quasi-elastic cut is also listed there, in case you
want to change it.

note, also, that this macro makes use of the strings_new.C file, thus
allowing the user to easily place mathematically-difficult quasi-elastic
constraints on variables (e.g. the polar angle of the non-electron
detected particle in the (CM, Q coordinate system) frame).


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