Re: [BLAST_ANAWARE] All Data Crunched After July 8th Invalid!!!

From: Chris Crawford (
Date: Mon Jul 14 2003 - 07:44:00 EDT

zhangchi wrote:

>Hi, all,
>Just found that the blast.sc_cal file in blast Blast_Param is over written
>by a dummy at a certain point. Do not know who did this and the time stamp
>does not reflect this incident. all tof tdc offsets in that file are 0.
>replaced it with in the same directory. Noticed that it
>is difference from the one in CVS. Some one should decide which one is
  i calibrated the positions, and checked the new sc_cal file into cvs,
 but didn't start using it for crunches, since i didn't want to change
things up for only half the runs. you can check that only the
positional calibration has changed (ie. t1+t2, which affects the mean
time, hasn't changed).
  now we have to redo things i suggest using the new one (latest in
cvs). however, if these delays in the trigger have really been varying,
sounds like we need more than one cal file! (database?)

>good and synchronize them. the bad file is copied into blast.sc_cal.BAD
>with time stamp preserved.
>all data crunched after July 8th are bad. sympton is ttl-ttr for
>left+/right- events peaks are 700 channels instead of 200.
>Vitaliy, Aaron and anyone who is doing analysis on these runs, which
>include all the 2-cycle deuterium runs, you may want to stop and wait for
>them to recrunch if your analysis depend on any cuts that is sensitive to
>It sure fucked me up badly.

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