Re: [BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary

From: Douglas Hasell (hasell@MIT.EDU)
Date: Tue Jul 22 2003 - 09:32:43 EDT

Please try to operate the WC's at nominal voltages at all times. L6 has
been giving occasional problems recently but also seems to recover on its
own. Operating it at 3700 means that those 5 cells out of the 19 cells in
the inner chamber, second super-layer are inefficient and tracking in this
region may fail.

If a WC box trips once or twice per run that is fine. Click on the WC on
button on the HVGUI and continue the run. If it trips every 1-2 minutes
then turn down the voltage until it holds and run like that for a while but
after a while try raising the voltage back to nominal.

The problem with L6 may be a loose wire which is very difficult to
identify. But so far every time I have gone to the counting bay L6 has been
able to hold the nominal voltage.

It may be a nuisance resetting the trips and turning the detector off would
certainly make the shifts a lot easier but ....

--On Tuesday, July 22, 2003 9:01 AM -0400 Electronic Log Book
<> wrote:

> Operators: mcilhany zhangchi mcilhany
> did ABS SFT scan at beginning of shift.
> tried to take data with 0.2sccm but could not achieve reasonable halo
> despite that CCR spent quite a while tuning.
> took unpol D2 data at 0.1sccm from 3:00 on while flipping ABS states and
> beam helicity in same manner as T20 runs.
> Detectors seem to work very well. had couple of trip when beam is dumped!
> WC L6 was constantly at 3700V. onlineGUI and WCquick.C show reasonable
> signal to noise in WC even with 0.1 sccm flow.


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