Re: [BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 08/09/2003 Swing

From: Karen Dow (
Date: Mon Aug 11 2003 - 14:37:12 EDT

         Doug and I looked at the Compton this morning, using a combination
of the instruction manual I wrote, and the 6-page instructions Bill
Franklin wrote. Following Bill's directions on how to turn on the laser
and open the shutter, Doug got a laser spot on the TV. I found an xterm on
dblast09 (in the first workspace) that was in the right directory
(/home/blast/blast/pro2003/COMPTON) and started up Compton DAQ:

dblast09> ./pol-control &

This pops up the usual white screens with Compton run control and
histograms. We took a test run (#1864), and saw both the Las and Bkg
hists. Unfortunately, they look the same, which indicates the laser is
missing the beam. Hopefully someone other than Bill knows how to steer the
Compton laser.

         After this test the Compton IOC rebooted itself (I don't know
why). To get pol-control to start up again, I had to also restart all CODA
processes; something was wrong with the Compton-ET connection I guess.


At 11:56 PM 8/9/2003 -0400, Electronic Log Book wrote:
>Operators: mcilhany nikolas nikolas
>Trying to get started again....
> Today was an exercise in frustration as several key members of the
> collaboration are getting married (not to each other!) or are simply on
> vacation or simply do not wish to take thier nextel with them on a
> Saturday night.
> Case in point, the Compton polarimeter did not wish to
> behave. Specifically, the interaction spot on the TV camera is not seen,
> so the laser is either OFF or the shutter in blocking it. Following
> the experimenters guide is not helpful as the computer that it asks to
> log into is not known to the network, on either the daq, lab or epics
> networks. So, we tried paging various people who might be helpful to no
> avail. This was exacerbated by the fact that when we finally got into
> one of the two computers we were supposed to get into, we did not know
> the password because it was not documented anywhere. In the end, Doug
> Hasell phoned in from Canada to proclaim that for our purposes, we can
> simply assume the polarization to be 65% and let sleeping dogs lie.
> And so I go off to sleep better dreams....
> Kevin

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