[BLAST_SHIFTS] Run plan for Monday evening

From: Douglas Hasell (hasell@MIT.EDU)
Date: Mon Sep 01 2003 - 20:58:05 EDT


        Measured atomic fraction has been decreasing at approximately 5 % per
day. Also there is some question about leakage of molecular hydrogen
into the cell.

        Therefore the plan is to take data until around 21:00 this evening.
Then Bill Franklin will measure the atomic fraction. Ernie Ihloff will
come in around 22:00 to start the process to coat the cell with water.
This will take all night during which time we will not run beam. In the
morning we will regenerate the NEG's (3 hours) and then resume data

         Shifts are cancelled from 00:00 Tuesday until 12:00 Tuesday.

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