[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 09/06/2003 A (0-4)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Sat Sep 06 2003 - 04:08:48 EDT

Operators: manouch seely seely

solid beam and data taking all night. only slowed by WC L21 which kept tripping. as MF mentioned in the previous summary, we turned it down to 3750 around 8pm. left it at 3750 V all shift, and it tripped roughly once every 10-15 minutes.

took runs 2388-2400. 2393 2396-2400 still crunching.

i've attached two plots. one is the updated af/asym vs time plot which includes the past 24 hours running with reversed long. field. the other is the asymmetry plot for the past 24 hours. for the most part, the asymmetries are positive, which is what we expect. there seems to be some issue with the left side though. note that the dilutions don't match for the left and right sectors.

oh, please see the E-Log for this shift. there are a lot of new plots:
yield per fill no.
asymmetries for I > 75 mA and for I < 75 mA (from BC)


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