Regarding your massage about a disconnected unpol gas system..
Does this mean that we have no data and will have no data on hydrogen
and deuterium to assess the effect of the collimator on the count rate
w/ target? This is not really good and quite disturbing in my opinion.
Judging from the very encouraging and nice improvement you showed today
in the Z reconstruction with empty target after the collimator was
installed, I hope same improvement is indeed present with "full" target.
Although, nothing would replace the value of actual data. Now we have to
wait until after the mini shutdown.
In my opinion, if there is any doubt about the effect of the collimator
on the "full" target, we should reconnect the gas feed system and take
data before we shut down, even if it takes a shift or so longer.
Tancredi Botto wrote:
> My apologies: it turns out that again the unpol gas feed system
> is disconnected from the storage cell. This problem definitely
> affects gas runs of this weekend (singles, coincs) while
> previous gas runs before the collimator went in seem fine (I've
> checked aroun 2600's)
> So no gas running tonight and it'll be difficult to fix this problem
> tomorrow (the target is cold).
> After measuring with a displaced beam (H, V - see jason) I suggest taking
> some data with no slits at all, data at high current, empty tgt data with
> transverse holding field on (requires beam tuning).
> I believe that ca 200 C per set should be enough. count_charge.C is the
> macro you need.
> -- t
> ________________________________________________________________________________
> Tancredi Botto, phone: +1-617-253-9204 mobile: +1-978-490-4124
> research scientist MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av Middleton MA, 01949
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
--____________________________________________________________________ Manouchehr Farkhondeh manouch@mit.edu Principal Research Scientist Division Head of Physics, Accelerator MIT, Bates Linear Accelerator Center tel (617)253-9298 Middleton, MA 01949 fax (617) 253-9599 ____________________________________________________________________
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