[BLAST_ANAWARE] ed elastic analysis codes updated for reversed field

From: zhangchi (zhangchi@general.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Fri Oct 03 2003 - 18:14:14 EDT

hi all, I updated exp/t20/edel directory. ed elastic analysis scripts are
updated for reversed field runs.

this is how to run:

root ed_xs.C #### [-unpol[=$FlowInSCCM]] [-bm $FIELD]
-unpol for unpolarized runs
where $FlowInSCCM is just for housekeeping, could be omitted anyway
-bm for field magnitude, omit for nominal field
-bm -1 for reversed field

This again will generate a bunch of files containing filtered ed elastic
ntuples along with a bunch of plots which are pretty much self explaining.

root ed_quick.C #### [-unpol[=$FlowInSCCM]] [-bm $FIELD]
If ed_xs.C is already run and the ed elastic ntuples are already in your
$ANALDIR directory, running ed_quick produces same plots in fraction of
time as ed_xs.C


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