[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 10/04/2003 E (16-20)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Sat Oct 04 2003 - 20:16:42 EDT

Operators: yxiao yxiao yxiao

Aroud 16:30 switched to unpol. H2 data taking: gas flow = 0.1 sccm, trigger =
singles_cconly.settings, no target holding field. Run 3087-3091 were taken;
all data have been crunched.

BQM readouts: T=250, L=36, D=30, R=27. Max (I_beam) = 100mA, I_lifetime =
18min. Ligit=3.7e-9 torr.

WC R24 tripped about every 8-10 min, L21tripped seldom. S/N's of WC boxes
were not good. For each sector (left and right), S/N's for box #0 and #3 are
around 1.2, and around 2.0 for others.

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