[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 12/21/2003 D (12-16)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Sun Dec 21 2003 - 16:10:30 EST

Operators: adrian karpiusp adrian

We got beam around 10 AM (after the transmitter problem mentioned previously by Jason). Took runs 4150-4155. 4156 is junk. 4157 is under way.
All of them are being crunched (none finished yet, so no new asymmetry plots - even some runs from previous shift are not done crunching yet).

Just before noon valve 15 was open by CCR at Ernie's request.
There was a short hall access by CCR at noon for a vacuum check at Ernie's request again.

Other than this, very smooth data taking, everything behaving...


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