3. new flrpm ntuple:
there is a new ntuple called flrpm. it is written in flr*.root along
side with flr ntuple. it can be open through flrpm.C which is also
checked into CVS, so it should be quite transparent to users.
by the name it is filtered, left/right, plus/minus. open it and
Draw("twl:twr"), you ll see that it is in fact reasonably clean and
should serve a resonable starting point for a lot of analysis.
4. during the crunch analysis
Chris digged out the Autosave() feature of the trees and the new
library and new lrn take advantage of it substantially. lrn will
autosave chg, lr, flr, flrpm and all ntuples in dst every time it
finishes processing 5000 triggers, that is, every time it printed one
line of those dots onto the console. One can open the root file and
pull out the ntuples after the first Autosave(). root will complain:
Warning in <TFile::Init>: file
/home/blast/zhangchi/s4/blast/build_/run/lr-4036.root probably not closed,
trying to recover
Info in <TFile::Recover>:
/home/blast/zhangchi/s4/blast/build_/run/lr-4036.root, recovered key
TNtuple:chg at address 2895310
Info in <TFile::Recover>:
/home/blast/zhangchi/s4/blast/build_/run/lr-4036.root, recovered key
TNtuple:lr at address 3816273
Warning in <TFile::Init>: successfully recovered 2 keys
but one can just ignore these messages and run all kinds of analysis
on the already saved ntuples.
charge ntuple--chg--in lr and flr files are updated as the crunch
goes. most significantly, the "charges for the run", i.e. the charge
fields in the first entry in the chg ntuple are such that they
correpond to the integrated charge from the time of the 1st physics
event to the last physics event saved. This makes asymmetry analysis
possible before the few hour crunching period is completed.
now we can say a few more words about the closed/open flag in init.C.
hope by now the meaning is clear. "root lr.C ####-#### closed" will
open only the runs that are completely crunched. while
"root lr.C ####-#### eopn" will open those runs that are still
crunching. say nothing, you open all the runs.
if a crunch job crashed, one will stall be able to look at the events
it crunched before the crash.
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