[BLAST_ANAWARE] LADS position and hv

From: Tancredi Botto (tancredi@lns.mit.edu)
Date: Wed Jan 21 2004 - 14:20:30 EST


1) As you all know there will be no left/right sector lads. They will
   only be on one side (btw, the right side...)

2) Steven, Ben are in the process of determining gain matched HV for all
   LADS. So the present HV's will be overridden

3) I have changed the hv gui to have "FORWARD" and "BACKWARD" lads. That
   was done changing labels (I want to use the gui today..) and not the
   channel names. This change was done in pro2004.

4) As we go ahead cabling the detectors in their new positions we still
   talk of LADS20 left/right (that label is physically on the detector)
   but this has now the following meaning (michael, tancredi, ben, steve)

  upstream - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > beam line downstream

                                        //. //13
                                 L15_R //. //.
                                      //. //.
                                     //. //. L15_L
                                    //. //.
         L20_L L20_R //13 //.
     ============== ============== //.
     00 ........ 13 13 ........ 00 //00


P.S. Adam, could you please take care of changing the channel names ?
     (else they'll be wrong in epics)

Basically L20_R, L15_L kept the original cabling. L20_L uses the cables
of L15_R and viceversa. This is clearer if you look at the attached old
and new cable maps. Cable # and hv slot # still go together

Tancredi Botto,  		phone: +1-617-253-9204  mobile: +1-978-490-4124
research scientist		MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av    Middleton MA, 01949

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