[BLAST_ANAWARE] Deuterium target angle

From: vitaliy ziskin (vziskin@lns.mit.edu)
Date: Sun Feb 01 2004 - 13:05:45 EST

I was looking into blastmc for the GeN experiment and my conclusion is
that to do a best low Q^2 GeN experiment we need to move a target angle
from 45 degrees to 35-30 degrees. Consider the following at Q^2 = 0.1
and target angle at 45 degrees the difference between GeN Galster and
GeN=0 is 0.02 !!!! A difference between Galster and 0.85*Galster is even
smaller. Where as at Q^2 = 0.4 and target at 45 degrees the difference
is 0.08. This is because at this target angle Q^2 = 0.1 gives thetad of
about 120 degrees (cos = -0.5) and Q^2=0.4 gives about 90 degrees (cos =
0). Moving the target angle will improve a low Q^2 situation while
making high Q^2 situation slightly worse. It's a trade-off that will
allow me graduate soonner rather than later. Can some of the T20 people
(and other effected parties) tell me what they think about this.


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