Re: [BLAST_ANAWARE] database for BATS

From: Adrian T Sindile (
Date: Thu Feb 05 2004 - 14:44:08 EST

Hi, Wang, Adam!
The BAT HVs are now in the MySQL database. The table is named BAT_HV.
I only changed your suggested names to BatHv-L-0-T etc. so that the BATs
are similar to the TOFs.
Just do a "select * from BAT_HV;" at the MySQL prompt to see the whole
thing. The initial run voltage is now -2000 V - you can start
gain-matching whenever you want...

I gave the "HVGUI" user permission to modify, add to etc. the new table.
Everybody else has only read privileges, as for our other detectors too.
This should keep things safe.
Let me know if there are any problems.


On Wed, 4 Feb 2004, Wang Xu wrote:

> Hi Adrian,
> I heard from Adam that in order to run BATS HV controls, you need
> to help us to update BATS into Blast database. Can you help us?
> #2 L-sector #1 R-sector
> Name Slot channel Name Slot channel
> BATS_L_T_0 2 - 4 BATS_R_T_0 2 - 4
> BATS_L_T_1 2 - 5 BATS_R_T_1 2 - 5
> BATS_L_T_2 2 - 10 BATS_R_T_2 2 - 10
> BATS_L_T_3 2 - 11 BATS_R_T_3 2 - 11
> BATS_L_B_0 5 - 3 BATS_R_B_0 5 - 3
> BATS_L_B_1 5 - 4 BATS_R_B_1 5 - 4
> BATS_L_B_2 5 - 5 BATS_R_B_2 5 - 5
> BATS_L_B_3 5 - 9 BATS_R_B_3 5 - 9
> Since BATs and TOF are very similar,
> 1.) Run Voltage;
> 2.) Standby Voltage;
> 3.) Other parameters are trip current, ramp up rates, ramp down rates
> are same as for TOF's.
> If you need reach me, please call 617-258-7823.
> Thanks,
> Wang

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