[BLAST_ANAWARE] formatted stream output from root cint

From: Chi Zhang (zhangchi@MIT.EDU)
Date: Mon Feb 09 2004 - 21:09:54 EST

Hi all,

ever frustrated by the unformatted output by cout<<..., turned out there
is a way to make formatted output from C++ ostream:
will give:
where the letter s takes up 8 charactors width.

unfortunately, this thing does not work in CINT as Root does not know how
to interpret "std::".

So I have made a wrapper in libBlast.so and checked into BlastLib2. it is
called Setw(). in your script, load libBlast.so and then do:

        cout<<Setw(8)<<"s"<<" "<<Setw(10)<<3.14159<<"\n"
                <<Setw(8)<<2.718<<" "<<Setw(10)<<"s"<<endl;
will give:
       s 3.14159
   2.718 s

it applies ofstream too so you can make formatted out put files.


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