Re: [BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 02/13/2004 B (4-8)

From: Chi Zhang (zhangchi@MIT.EDU)
Date: Fri Feb 13 2004 - 10:01:53 EST

Hi, just a reminder to shift persons about data crunching:

the new lrn processes epics and scaler data and if it encounters any
problem(undefined target, inconsistancies between scaler and epics data)
warning messages will be printed to the screen.

This typically happens in the first minute of a crunch since epics and
scaler in coda file are read through in a independent loop over entire
data file before rewinding back and proceeding to physics events.

So it may be good if you sit for another 15 seconds after typing lrn, and
see if any warning is appeared.

Also, the codes are setup to be able to crunch unfinished runs.


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