Re: [BLAST_ANAWARE] charge and spin flipper

From: vitaliy ziskin (
Date: Fri Feb 27 2004 - 02:37:32 EST

Don't mean to spam you guys but there is a serious problem with the way
we are doing spin flip.
After the flip the flip bit goes to red in epics, zero in scalers but
doesn't seem to stay there for the duration of the rest of the fill. I
don't believe that we are doing two flips, thus I think that it should
stay in "flip odd" position untill the beam is done..... And I know
what makes it change---> when target flips it resets this bit. It is
reminence of the time when this bit was Nitrogen. I will change it
now. Starting with run 5099. The previous data with flipper is still
salvagable if we cut on current above 70 mA (before flip).

                                  Cheers, Vitaliy

vitaliy ziskin wrote:

> nevermind I got my answer. I think that we need to run unpol
> Deuterium with spin flipper and with out to investigate if there is a
> false asymmetry.
> Vitaliy
> vitaliy ziskin wrote:
>> Seeing my asymmetry go from 0 to 0.85 I would like to find out
>> whether we are taking a sping flip into consideration when counting
>> charge. I tried to verify this myself and even though I have not
>> given up yet, clearly I lack knowledge and inteligence to find this
>> out for myself. So, I'm asking you....maybe Chi, maybe Tancredi...
>> maybe not. In my macro I did not take spin flip into acount and as
>> expected got no polarization. Upon puting it in, I got greater than
>> 100% target polarization though with large error bars. This leads me
>> to think that there has to be something else. Please let me know.
>> Best
>> regards, Vitaliy

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