Re: [BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 03/07/2004 F (20-24)

From: Adrian T Sindile (
Date: Fri Mar 12 2004 - 11:15:24 EST

Hi, Eugene!
Is this the email Tavi sent about updated CC voltages?
Your recent message said Tavi had asked the "database experts" to update
the voltages... I guess I missed it because it was addressed to Adam (who
probably was so busy updating the HVGUI again that he did not see it)...
I will update the voltages right away and notify you guys.


On Mon, 8 Mar 2004, Electronic Log Book wrote:

> Operators: tavi vziskin ----
> Hi Adam,
> I have attached the new HV's for CC's. There is also an entry in elog where I put the new voltages for Cherenkovs (entry# 20750). I put also there some "start up" values for RCC3 and LCC3 (CC's for BATS). Please, update you HVGui with these new values!
> LCC1_T3 is bad! A weak and weird signal comes out of it!
> When I wanted to analyze the first CC's run, we've discovered that runs after run# 5329 were not on any spuds, called Tancredi who rebooted all spuds. Vitaly updated the lost crunching runs at that time.
> runs: 5435-5447 were with CC's OFF


------------------------------- Adrian Sindile Research Assistant Nuclear Physics Group University of New Hampshire phone: (603)862-1691 FAX: (603)862-2998 email:

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