[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 03/17/2004 A (0-4)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Wed Mar 17 2004 - 04:00:20 EST

Operators: karpiusp clasie ----

Useful beam was not available until almost 1am as there was a problem with the slits followed by a problem with the quads (see the elog). We began taking data at the previous WC voltages with L14,L15,L21, R24 set to 3800V. L14 tripped frequently and the rest were ok. On the next run, 5667, L14 was lowered to 3750V and the rest were set to 3850V. L14 still goes through periods of tripping, but can sometimes last 10min without a trip.

Run 3667 was stopped as the ring current behaved strangely. It went through what looked like a step function while the detectors were on. Running continued normally after this and data is unconfirmed for this run.

Data from runs 5666 and 5668 are not being transferred to the spuds. Data files are a good size on /scratch/dblast07 but are not on the spuds.

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