[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 03/21/2004 D (12-16)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Sun Mar 21 2004 - 16:05:26 EST

Operators: akdogan ---- ----

Not so smooth shift. Nevertheless, took about 2.5 hours of clean data
out of 4 hours (12-4pm).

 - Runs taken/taking: 5745-5750
 - Runs crunched: up to 5748
 - Runs crunching: 5749
 - Total charge for useful data (5745->): ~600 C

 - Minor WC trips.
 - CCR had a minor problem with transmission unit 6.
 - The machine had problem with phase, re-phased in an hour. (Elog 21246)
 - HV crate re-initialized from the database. (Elog 21247)
 - Injection problem interrupted the beam for about an hour. (Elog 21255)
 - Ligit pressure fluctuated for a few minutes. (Elog 21257)
 - Coda hung once.


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